Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Elusive Undecided Voters

Today I went to Fredericksburg, Virginia to knock on doors for the Obama camapign. This relates a little to  NSL because at this point the campaign has ruled out everyone in the area who strongly supports either side, so most of it was just making sure people who lean towards Obama knew where to vote and had a specific plan as to when. Basically, the campaign has abandoned persuasion and is only looking to reinforce its position with certain voters and to increase turnout. Nevertheless, I did encounter a couple undecided voters who were very interesting. First of all, the undecideds are always the ones who want to talk. Most people will just answer the questions as fast as possible, but the people who plan on voting but don't know who to support were very friendly and talkative. I met an auto mechanic who was out of work. His opinions were generally liberal, but he doesn't support the President because he hasn't seen any economic improvement and doesn't expect any in a second term. Meanwhile, he doesn't support Romney either because he beleives that Romney won't look out for working people. Although I support Obama and believe that he has taken important steps toward economic recovery, I sympathize with this person's viewpoint. He represents a whole lot of folks who find themselves utterly buried by the recession and who don't think that either candidate is really looking out for them, and that may be true. Obama and Romney both talk a whole lot about the middle class, but there are still lots of states where things are getting worse rather than better for those people. It's just been a really frustrating election year.

Have a good two days off, everyone!

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