Sunday, December 9, 2012

Two Unrelated Topics

I really like what I've read of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, the stream of consciousness style is really interesting and it keeps me paying attention to what Oskar is talking about. I don't know if Safran-Foer is accurately representing the mind of an autistic kid seeing as neither he nor I have been diagnosed with the disorder, but it certainly seems pretty realistic and gives me a really new viewpoint on the topic. Sometimes I get the feeling that Safran-Foer is being a little pretentious in his attempt to be profound and that he's exploring his own thoughts and not necessarily the character's thoughts, but that's not often and his ideas in the book are pretty cool anyway.

Recently there has been a lot relating to Egypt in the news. This is because they are beginning the process of drafting a Constitution, the first in the coutry's history. This is very exciting because it means that ideas which began back in 2011 during the Arab Spring are being acted on. There is less sensationalism surrounding these recent events, but I think they will turn out to be more important because this is really what will finalize democracy in Egypt.

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